***This has NOT been updated for the 2025-2026 season***

***This has NOT been updated for the 2025-2026 season***

CW Sounders is committed to providing a superior experience for your player and also understands that it is important to keep costs affordable.   Premier soccer by nature is more expensive than recreational play as it typically includes professional coaching, travel, and higher level league and registration fees.  The final cost depends on the division you play in, the number of players on your team, and whether or not you have a paid CW Sounders coach.

The costs and fees are described in detail below.

****Fees go into effect start of league 24/25****


Summary Chart

Program Cost Additional Fees
Season Registration WPL - Year Round $795/Player

 League, Coaching, Coach Travel, Uniform/Gear, Tournaments

Season Registration EA - Year Round $995/Player

League, Coaching, Coach Travel, Uniform/Gear, Tournaments

Season Registration DPL - Year Round $995/Player

League, Coaching, Coach Travel, Uniform/Gear, Tournaments




League fees (2023/24 Season)

*Refer to WPL Website for League fees & Costs*

WPL Website

Per team fees are based on division ($550 – Super League, $350 – Classic, $200 – Copa per season). Division placed is based on performance.  Click here for League Definitions.  WPL determines league fees and expenses.  If they raise their prices, these fees go up. 

Per player fees are based on team division and # of players.  High School players only play one season - younger ages play two (Fall & Spring).  

For example a U12 player playing on a team with 14 players in the Classic division would have a per season league fee of $350/14 = $25. They would play two seasons - so their total per player league fee for the year would be $50.

*IF PLAYER PLAYS IN ANY ADDITIONAL LEAGUES, player is responsible for their portion of those fees. 


Elite Academy League


Teams that play in the Elite Academy League must register to compete in that league as well as the WPL league WA CUP.  The Elite Academy League registration is separate from CWS Yearly Registration fee. The Elite Academy League is an event-based league, required attendance at an EA event and Nationals if teams qualify. Teams will be expected to attend the assigned events by the EA based on age group. 

Image result for DPL logo


Teams that play in the DPL must register to compete in DPL league as well as the WPL WA Cup. DPL registration is separate from the CWS Yearly Registration fee.  DPL is an event-based regional league. Teams will be expected to attend the assigned events by the DPL based on age group. The Summit Showcase and Nationals is for qualifying teams. Locations and dates are listed on the DPL website. 

Cascadia Premier League




Monthly Coaching Fees

Monthly fees are based on the coach's experience and currently holds a license. Any coach has the ability to scholarship a player based on financial need.  This only pertains to teams where players try out and are placed with paid coaches participating in the Premier and Classic levels.  Coach's fees are to be paid monthly for training.  Coach's fees are to remain the same for every team in the club.

If you bring a team in and provide your own coach, you can only participate in the Copa or Classic divisions. You will still pay registration, league, and tournament fees.  Coaching fees depend on the coach's licensing and experience.

*Updated Summer 2023

Breakdown of Coach Licensing Fees: Coaching fees are per player monthly fees, to be paid monthly.

Coaching Qualifier: When a coach has 10 years of coaching experience at the Club level, add an additional $5.00/month per player to their licensing level.

Example: Coach holds B license-$50/month  Experience: 10 yrs+ Club Coaching: Add $5.00/month Total $55/month per player/per month, with a max of an additional $5.00.

1) U.S. Soccer A or United Soccer Coach Master $55/month

2) U.S. Soccer B or United Soccer Coach Premier $50/month

3) U.S. Soccer C or United Soccer Coach Advance National $45/month

4) U.S. Soccer D or United Soccer Coach National $40/month

5) U.S. Soccer Grassroots or United Soccer Coaches Development Diplomas $35/month

6) No License $30/month

Coaching Travel Fees

***Updated Summer 2023***

Coach’s in-state travel expenses: Travel expenses are paid a flat $150 per trip unless overnight accommodations are needed then associated hotel and $40 a day meal allowance will apply.  These expenses are divided by the number of rostered players.  All rostered players on the team pay whether they play/attend or not.

Example: Day trip is a flat $150/day.  If overnight accommodations are required, it is $150 for the trip, $40/meal allowance (per day), and a hotel fee. (Example, May 2022)

Coach's out-of-state travel expenses: Airfare, Hotel, Transportation/Rental Car (cost of the rental car), Gas @ $25.00/day, and Meal/Expense allowance @ $100.00/day.  The total cost is to be split by the team for each travel event.  If taking their own car, the cost of fuel needs to be covered for the trip to and from. All rostered players on the team pay whether they play/attend or not.

Example: $1,500 split between 15 players is $100.00 per player for the event. Total Cost split by team.

Winter Training: If a team chooses to train during off months, each rostered player is required to pay their portion of team fees.  If additional fields or facilities are used/reserved outside of CWS fields each player is responsible for their portion of the fees equally.  All rostered players on the team pay whether they play/attend or not.

CWS Uniforms/Gear

Uniforms: All teams are required to wear approved CWS game kits.  The mandatory uniform kit consists of 2 pair of socks, 2 shorts, a practice jersey, and 2 game-day jerseys. These items will be purchased through soccer.com. Players will receive a link once they have registered and secured their spot on team.

Additional Practice Jerseys: These shirts will be purchased locally through Apple and Vine Co. Players can purchase additional training jerseys from their site and fan gear. https://appleandvineco.com/collections/cws-soccer

Warm-up Gear: The warm-up kit consists of 1 jacket, 1 pants, and a backpack.

**Existing members of a team will retain existing numbers.  The player joining the existing team will retain their number unless agreed upon by each player.  New players joining existing teams will have to change their number even if they are current existing players from another team within the club.

***CWS does not take number requests for Jerseys.

Tournaments Fees

Your team will participate in several tournaments throughout the year.  Tournament fees will be divided by all rostered players, regardless of attendance unless approved by the coach. All rostered players on the team pay whether they play/attend or not.

Guest Playing

Players may be asked to guest play outside the club from time to time.  All communications regarding guest playing go through the Director of Coaching and Team Coaches.  It is not CWS's policy to have parents or players contact other teams or clubs to arrange these opportunities.  No exceptions. Guest playing (Club Passing) within the club, coaches need to be communicating with the team coach they are borrowing the players from. These arrangements do not go through the parents and or player first

In order to guest play it has to be approved by the training team coach. All CWS Club fees and teams need to be paid in full and the player needs to be attending all CWS trainings, games, and events.  If not, they will not be approved.

CWS Club Fundraiser/Dinner Auction, CWS Golf Tournament & CWS Club Tournament

Each team will participate in each events.  As a club, we will be having a Fall Fundraiser, Summer Soccer tournament/fundraiser and Gold Event which each team is expected to take part in.  There will be a specific amount that each team needs to raise and or participate in.  More details to come closer to the events.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions. Email  Marty Lackey  or call 509-941-8441


Payment Plans

Payment Plans

CWS Registration Down Payment: Must be paid by May 22nd to secure spot on team.

CWS Registration Fee $795.00:

Payment options: 

  • Payment Plan 1: Pay in Full by May 22. (CWS Registration fee $795.00)
  • Payment Plan 2: Down Payment of $200.00 towards registration to secure spot on team by May 22. Make 3 additional payments. Pay $200.00 on June 5/July 5 & $195.00 on August 5.
  • Payment Plan 3: Down Payment of $200.00 towards registration to secure spot on team by May 22. Make 2 additional payments of $297.50 on June 5/July 5.

CWS EA/DPL Registration Fee $995.00:

Payment options

  • Payment Plan 1: Pay in Full by May 22. 
  • Payment Plan 2: Down Payment of $300.00 towards registration to secure spot on team by May 22. Make 3 additional payments. Pay $235.00 on June 5/July 5. & $225.00 on August 5.
  • Payment Plan 3: Down Payment of $300.00 towards registration to secure spot on team by May 22. Make 2 additional payments of $347.50 on June 5/July 5. 

WPL/NPL Teams are playing in National Premier Leagues and competing for a bid to Nationals. Classic Teams and below compete in premier leagues throughout the state of WA & ID.

All teams that qualify for Nationals are expected to attend.  Any player taking a spot on the top EA, DPL or WPL teams are expected to attend all National and required events.


  • Players MUST pay CWS Down payment towards Registration by May 22nd to secure a spot on the team.  
  • Player registration cost is NON-REFUNDABLE
  • Tryout fee is NON-REFUNDABLE 
  • There will be a $35 NSF fee charged on returned checks or debit accounts*** (NON-REFUNDABLE)
  • If a player has any outstanding fees from previous year those need to be paid in full



Contact Us



Central Washington Sounders
P.O. Box 1352
Selah, WA 98942

(509) 941-8441

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